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At Forest Hill Resort, we're committed to creating a sustainable and eco-friendly community that not only coexists with nature but also enhances it. To achieve this vision, we're proud to collaborate with three like-minded organizations: Aanandaa Permaculture, Afforestt, and Maruvan.


Our partnership with Aanandaa Permaculture enables us to design and develop private lawns and permaculture gardens for each residential unit, covering 25% of the land. This collaboration brings expertise in sustainable gardening practices, organic farming, and eco-friendly landscape design. Each permaculture garden is tailored to meet the unique needs of each unit, providing residents with a personalized and productive outdoor space.


We're committed to reforesting 75% of the land with indigenous species through partnerships with Afforestt and Maruvan. This initiative not only enhances biodiversity and ecological balance but also supports the local ecosystem. Afforestt's expertise in afforestation and Maruvan's knowledge of native species ensure that our reforestation efforts are both effective and sustainable.


Our collaborations share a common vision: to create a sustainable, eco-friendly community that thrives in harmony with nature. Together, we're building a better future for our residents, the environment, and future generations. Our partners share our commitment to:

  • Sustainable living practices
  • Eco-friendly design and development
  • Biodiversity conservation
  • Community engagement and education

By working together, we can create a truly unique and sustainable community that sets a new standard for eco-friendly living.